Na této stránce zveřejňujeme nabídky zahraničních partnerů, kteří hledají dobrovolníky na dlouhodobé (2-12 měsíců) působení ve svých organizacích.
Datum realizace | Formát | Stát | Město | Organizace | Více informací | Platnost/ deadline |
18. – 22. 1. 2021 | TC | Slovenia | Ljubljana | MOVIT NA | InnoCamp – develop your digital youth work services | 30. 11. 2020 |
9. – 14. 10. 2020 | TC | Netherlands | De Gling | Dutch National Agency Erasmus+ Youth | MINDSET OF YOUTH WORKERS in supporting learning through youth mobilities | 15. 9. 2020 |
26. – 29. 10. 2020 | TC | Slovenia | Ljubljana | MOVIT NA | Impact+: Youth Field | 7. 9. 2020 |
18. – 23. 10. 2020 | TC | Greece | Athens | Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation | Youth@Work 4.0 #DigComp for the Youth Work Sector | 3. 8. 2020 |
1. 9. – 18. 10. 2020 | E-learning | France | online | ER+EK | Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Essentials of Youth Work | 1. 8. 2020 |
14. – 19. 8. 2020 | TC | Slovakia | Trstená | V.I.A.C. | LARxPerience – larps as educational method | 31. 7. 2020 |
28. 9. – 4. 10. 2020 | TC | Germany | Bonn | JUGEND für Europa | Multilateral Training Course to support quality in youth worker mobility activities under Erasmus+ Youth in Action | 31. 7. 2020 |
28. 9. – 3. 10. 2020 | Seminar | France | Strasbourg | DYPALL Network | Study Session “W(e-)participate – Harnessing Digital Innovation for Youth Participation at the Local Level” | 27. 7. 2020 |
1. – 5. 8. 2020 | TC | Greece | Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation | Europe Goes Local SP: Meeting of Municipal Youth Councils,Exchanging Realities & Practices for recognision of local youth work | 23. 7. 2020 | |
19. – 28. 8. 2020 | TC | Slovenia | Dob | Moave | MoMeant to Be | 20. 7. 2020 |
24. 7. – 7. 8. 2020 | TC | Denmark | online | Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education |
An introduction on how to use Erasmus+ for international youth work | 15. 7. 2020 |
1. 8. 2020 | ESC | Romania | Craiova |
Association communities for youth | 1) Up For Debate project 2) Language ACTs 2 3) European Youth Opportunities Unlocker |
IHNED na 3 nebo 6 měsíců |
7. – 17. 10. 2020 | TC – výcvik na vodě | Slovensko | Bratislava, Čunovo | Outward Bound Slovakia | Create paddle ability – kayaking training course for youth workers | 30. 6. 2020 |
1. 7. – 12. 7. 2020 | E-learning | Romania | online | SALTO | Project manager in Erasmus Plus English / Spanish / Italian / Romanian languages |
29. 6. 2020 |
1. 7. – 31. 8. 2020 | E-learning | Germany | online | JUGEND für Europa |
MOOC about Erasmus+ funding opportunities for youth
28. 6. 2020 |
5. – 11. 10. 2020 | TC | Spain | Santander | SALTO | Youth@Work. Building Ecoliteracy Příprava mladých na zelený trh práce |
22. 6. 2020 |
2. – 3. 7. 2020 | Symposium | Belgie | online | DG NEAR | Easter Partnership Youth Engagement Summit | 17. 6. 2020 |
29. – 30. 6. 2020 | E-learning | Belgie | online | LYMEC – European Liberal Youth | Online diversity and inclusion training: Hear me out, take me in! | 10. 6. 2020 |
9. 6. 2020 | Seminar | Slovenia | online | SALTO | 3rd Europe Youth Meeting: Evropa – západní Balkán – programy EU pro pozitivní společenskou změnu |
30. 5. 2020 |
1. 6. – 30. 8. 2020 | Trainig course (TC) | Luxembourg | online | SALTO | Chance to update: Full-Stack Online Training Course for Youth Trainers and Facilitators |
28. 5. 2020 |
26. 5. – 17. 6. 2020 | E-learning | Germany | online | SALTO | MOVE IT Youth mobility in the digital era |
17. 5. 2020 |
Březen 2020 | ESC | UK | Bournemouth | YMCA | popis pozice 1; popis pozice 2 |
březen-duben |